Harold is a Harvard MBA with 25 years of business experience and has been a Certified Coach for over 10 Years. He has held senior level positions in Human Resources, Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, Corporate Strategy and Accounting. Harold served as Vice-president, Global Strategic Change for McDonald’s Corporation and was selected by CEO to coach executives leading major change programs. Harold was also selected to lead the strategic change aspect of a $500 Million global business transformation effort. Harold created and led McDonald’s first Global Strategic Change function which provided organizational effectiveness and coaching services within 10 countries including US, Mexico, Canada, UK, France, Japan,Hong Kong, Argentina, and New Zealand. This and other change programs impacted over one million people and over 30,000 retail outlets.
Carter Drew Senior Partner
Carter has been a Certified Coach for over 12 years and Restaurant Support for a 2500-restaurant, $3.7 billion-dollar division;. Senior Vice President of Franchising and Franchise Relations for. McDonald USA’s 2600 franchisees; founding President of McDonald’s. South Africa. Carter’s unique capabilities as an executive coach and strategist not.only come from studying world-class coaches and business leaders,. but from practicing hands-on coaching, teaching, and leadership skill. development in very competitive business and living environments.